Smile on!

By Silverpritt

We're driving Cadillacs in our dreams

I made a huge mistake today.

I brought the kids to Toys' r'us before dinner...what was I thinking? ! They promised not to request any toys, but they did not receive instructions to leave the premise upon my order - that's a rookie mistake that I shouldn't be making!

So the kids ran free range in the store, in opposite directions. And if that was not enough, they refused to leave the bikes and cars section after numerous requests. I had to peel OO off the scooter, and as I was trying to grab little A from the pink Cadillac, OO swiftly took off in another bike.

Repeat the above cycle x 5 times.

When I finally managed to round up the kids AND got them in the car, I was already fuming. After hearing the lecture where they were held captive, I think I successfully instilled some remorse.

"I'm so sorry Mama," said OO, looking at me with sad eyes.

And how can I still hold a grudge?

But, no more toy stores when I'm outnumbered. Huh.

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