The sun now sets too far over to catch it behind my favourite trees without houses creeping in. But I'll trade that for light evenings and TallGirl being able to do her riding lessons outdoors.
I made my neighbour cry today. Well, CarbBoy did really. I handed over the vouchers for her sons to buy books and suddenly there she is on my front steps, sobbing, and all I can think is 'do I know you well enough to hug you?' But I think when you've made someone cry you have to get over that British reserve.
That aside, a day of attacking the knee high 'lawn' before the weekend rain, and cutting down about 50 saplings. Mr B had some good news, meaning that something has come out his last 6 months of hard slog, aside from a slightly less twitchy bank manager.
And just to round off the day in dramatic style, TallGirl somehow sliced her heel open on a plastic box, appearing in the kitchen with blood streaming just as I put dinner out. By bedtime, after a few rounds of kitchen roll and plasters, it had stopped bleeding enough to be properly dressed, and for the patient to be all but carried to bed. Let's hope home-based first aid was the right choice. It didn't look too deep...
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