It'll be nice when it's done
I think I may have to do a bit of dusting! This is our sitting room this evening, we are in the middle of getting a log burner fitted by the estate. The chimney liner had gone and smoke was leaking through the house, it has worked out cheaper to get the log burner fitted than getting the chimney relined. It is going to take a couple of days and we have spent the last couple of evenings packing up the sitting room in readiness.
The dogs have taken over the spare room, we have the large TV in our bedroom and the old person has been able to spend the day in bed being waited on hand and foot by the lovely T.
Apologies for not commenting as much as I would like too but I will catch up when we get back to nearly normal.
- 0
- 0
- Apple iPad
- 1/14
- f/2.4
- 4mm
- 800
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