In at the deep end

This is the sign inside the 100 year old Govanhill Swimming Pool. It caught my eye straight away.

We were at the pool not to swim but to watch our eldest daughter perform in her first main role in a play. She and another actor were performing The Collector. A great play and its performed by only 2 actors.

The pool had been drained and is used for other purposes. They had a stage built in the middle of the pool from the deep end to the shallow end. The audience were able to stand either side of the stage and were able to walk up and down while watching.

It was so surreal walking down the stairs into an unfilled pool, watching a play whilst standing in the deep end!! The play was amazing and Sarah and James did an excellent job.

They are hoping that many more plays can be held in this pool so as they can save it. Its such a great place and would be such a shame to see it close its doors.

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