Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My name is Marley and I am a mud addict...

So today I kept Bobby out of the mud but Marley found it instead ... Aghhhhhh these bloody pests don't even belong to me !! My dogs don't do mud !!!
Mum and I watched the film Hitchcock today which has Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock and I have to say I really enjoyed the film,he does a brilliant Hitchcock and totally believable ,for me anyway ... Mum liked the film too ... I had to take mum home early today as she's been feeling unwell and ended up at the doctors :-( .. Nothing sinister but she's worn out as my mum does loads for my Uncle who has MS and she's bloody knackered ...
Popped into see Mr Happy tonight to see if he is on the mend.... I offered to show him my bosom and he declined which is UNHEARD of ! He must be ill .....

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