
By weemo

Wednesday Portrait Challenge

David and I took a run down to Queensferry for a latte, cappuccino and fingers x a blip not necessarily in that order. Unfortunately there was hardly anybody about but I did come across a mum and her son who gladly posed for me and I thought yippee I have a lovely blip so now it was time for the well earned latte. On our way back to the car we were spotted by a group of tourists who asked me as I was nearest to them if I could take a group photo with their camera and phone , David in the meantime was taking the opportunity to get a blip of them. We explained to them what we were up to and the lovely comedian out of the group Dr Rhett obligingly offered to be my blip model , he ran off to the post box and propped himself against it looking out to the bridge , found out that he is from Melbourne and that he couldn't believe it when two Scots turned down his offer of a nip of whiskey , David was driving and I don't drink .

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