Who said the 12-50 was a big lens?

I had read so many reviews before deciding to go to the Olympus O-MD E-M5 and one of the things that came up time and time again was that the 12-50 lens was long.

I agree it's longer than many Micro Four Thirds Lenses but it's small when compared to one of my Nikon lenses which covers 24-70 i.e. wide to portrait type length which is the closest SLR lens that I could compare it to focal length wise i.e. 24-70 vs 24-100 (Olympus at 35mm equivalent).

I know that the 24-70 is a faster lens and needs more glass, it's full frame etc... but for the purposes of this Blip we can see the size advantage of micro four thirds.

What's even more amazing is that the 45mm f1.8 lens that I shot this photo with is half the size again of the 12-50, it's actually tiny!!!!

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