
By Charlie17

Week Four, Bird Two.

This is a black- headed gull. It's head will become black, actually dark brown, in summer.
Apparently, they can live for up to about thirty years
The way I see it, there are three blip dilemmas.
1. Should I post today? I think the essence of blip is to post daily as a sort of photo record of your day to day life, but some days, it is hard to be motivated or just too busy.
2. When to post?
3. What to post?
2 and 3 are very much linked for me.
Being the kind of person I am, I like to do things now, as if I put it off, I may not get round to it. I also find it quite satisfying to have blipped early in the day.
What if a better shot turns up during the day?
Perhaps it's better to wait until nearer the end of the day so then I can choose which shot I want to post.
I keep promising myself I will do this but somehow....
It has to be a track with this lot!

Sent from my iPad

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