Arbour Politics
The Boss says that there is to be an election this year. Dogs don’t do this kind of stuff as our votes would always have huge vested interests based on our food bowls and The Boss says that’s exactly how it works except with Humans it is all about vitual food bowls as no matter who gets elected we are still all going to eat. I must say that I find that a comfort.
In the example above the Green seem to be the leader as it is in front and bigger but there is a lot of the Autumn party in behind and my faultless K9 analysis tells me that within days the balance of power will swing and things will not get greener on the other side of the electric fence (not tested but using archival info supplied by The Boss who climbed over this last year and had a wee thrill). WE passed this spot today on the way to see some blind folk and their dogs who were all very pleased to see us. Oxymoron you say??? NOPE. These blind folk had 20:20 vision I think altho there was some discussion about $29.00 pairs of glasses but to cut to the chase, so to bark, they actually repaired blinds. I got to play with their smaller dogs THAT WERE ALLOWED ON THE FURNITURE, The Boss and the nice lady drank coffee and talked tech stuff and The Bloke (isn’t it always the bloke) actually repaired the blinds, struggling a bit because of the $29.00 issue mentioned above.
On a later adventure before Grub we met a nice lady with a Labradoodle who I had twisted leads with before. While we twisted (Let’s twist again…Like we did last summer) The lady told The Boss that she had been at the Bowling club most of the day but felt obliged to take her K9 friend out afterwards and mentioned her age at 92 as she strode off into the sunset.
The Boss went home for a LLD. (Little………) and The Mouse tail was re-inked.
Check the party branch?
1/800 @ f6.3 ISO 400 60mm
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