
By sweetie

So, today's blip - polystyrene bits that I've photoshopped the hell out of. Originally I took the photo because I couldn't believe the size of the box and the amount of polystyrene that my hair conditioner came packaged in, but it turned out a bit dull so I played around a bit.

To be fair the conditioner is quite fancy, but it arrived in a box that would have been better suited to a year's supply of the stuff. This has happened to me once before. I ordered some straighteners which I had delivered to my office: the box was so big I couldn't get my arms around it, and it wouldn't fit through the office door. My colleagues had a good laugh though.

Anyway, dunno what all that means, onto my day! Today has been the suckiest of the sucky - you know, one of those days where nothing is right? To start with I was shattered this morning - had a late night at the Chris Cornell gig (the same one that Stealth Badger was at and at which she spectacularly failed in her duties as transport co-ordinator :p) and then couldn't sleep for ages 'cos of the ringing in my ears. I couldn't get my contact lenses in and spent most of the morning feeling nauseously sleepy. I had a wee french fancy cake thingy which cheered me up for about ten minutes, then I had a meeting which frustrated me so much that I actually started calculating how long I could survive on my savings if I was to walk out of my job.

This evening I managed to chill out a little and was about to do some blipping when my memory card decided to wipe itself. I lost lots of pics I hadn't transferred onto the computer yet, including quite a few from our trip to London to see Muse at Wembley Stadium.

If anyone's looking for me, I'll be screaming into a pillow.........

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