nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

My secret soul

Went out on a little hill-bagging trip; Caer Caradoc (Marilyn), Hope Bowdler (HuMP), Ragleth Hill (HuMP) and Pole Bank on the Long Mynd (Marilyn). 14 miles in glorious weather. It was beautifully clear - once I got to Pole Bank and the toposcope I could identify the distant hills I had been able to see all day - the Malverns, Clee Hills, bits of the Brecon Beacons and, on the edge of visibility, where the clouds and the peaks become indistinguishable, Snowdonia.

This blip is taken from Hope Bowdler, looking south towards Hazler and Ragleth hills. Towards the bottom of Ragleth there is a memorial to a chap who died at 30 - maybe his grave. There was a poem engraved on a piece of slate, and it seemed a bit off to photograph it so I thought I would memorise the title and look it up when I got home - of course now I can't find it, it must have been written either by or for the person. It was of the outdoors, and the final lines were something like '…where my secret soul resides'. Being out there all day by myself, it struck a chord.

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