Capital adventures

By marchmont


How? How can a 777, a large plane, disappear? And does it make a mockery of airport security? We've never lost a plane through rogue toothpaste being taken aboard but it appears you can steal a plane without liquids or sharp instruments or shoe bombs.

Suddenly everyone knows where I am going in a few weeks. The map is on the news every night. But the mystery of the plane is awful for everyone involved. I hope they can find it.

Elsewhere in my life. It was a noisy late night journey home on 11 pm train last night from Glasgow. St Patrick's Day meant a lot of young men travelling east and being the day it was it meant they were Celtic supporters. And 'merry' Celtic supporters sing, they sing sectarian songs. But luckily we ended up with 'If you're happy and you know it' so it was pretty good natured, if noisy.

Lunchtime meeting with my legal adviser and then I stayed late trying to clear the flagged emails and sort out what I need to do over the next 3 weeks. Busy, busy.

I haven't seen #2 son since Sunday but he has returned the car. I worry you know. You never stop worrying about your kids.

Must try for a better blip tomorrow.

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