
By annamariahill4

The Post Box

This is our village post box, embedded in the side of a barn. Sadly these postboxes are disappearing from rural communities, but this one is well used. However, despite the fact that we are only four miles from Driffield where our postman comes from, he is not allowed to collect mail, so a van has to come from Malton which is some twenty miles away to collect the post. Rationalisation obviously means one man can't do two jobs!

This particular box must have been installed during the reign of one of the later Georges, V or Vl so should really be GVR or GVlR, or perhaps the numbers were only introduced with Queen Elizabeth as most post boxes have EllR on them. Must search about for one with Victoria on, thought I'm sure these must be rare!

Raining today - hence the musings!

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