Who's a Pretty Boy?
We went out late morning for the search for todays blip, and decided to go to Bryngarw Park as it's not too far away. The cafe had re-opened, as it has only been open at the weekends, throughout the winter. We decided not to go in as they only serve instant coffee and we like the " real" stuff. As soon as we got out of the car we saw this little Chaffinch (Fringella coelebs) . I looked it up in my bird book, and apparently it's a summer male. I think he is a very smart chap indeed. The park was beautiful today, and we saw lots of birds. The rhododendrums were coming out and the blossoms were so pretty. It was a feast for the eye. I am looking forward to watching, Shetland on TV tonight, and i can't wait for the last instalment of, Line of Duty tomorrow night.There is so much excitment in my life!
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