
By Igor

DDW Challenge Exiguous; very small amount

This is what I have so very little of today. No, not a clock, we seem to have enough of those. It’s Time that is only available in very small amounts.

GP’s surgery first thing, gym and exercise class mid-morning, then a request for 20 copies of an exercise CD plus notes for a Singing for Breathing therapy group, by tomorrow (not as easy as it sounds because I don’t have 20 blank CDs and the printer’s just run out of ink).

After posting this, we dash off to Heathrow to deliver Anniemay’s eldest son Chris and wife Emma in time for their flight to Australia. (Auntie Mollymay is very excited right now.)

Two weeks ago I lived a fairly leisurely life. I had my Igor duties for Anniemay of course, but that was mainly carrying heavy tripods and holding plastic bags full of water at arms length for hours on end. Unpaid of course. And with no chance of promotion.

Apart from playing my guitar, drinking coffee/reading the paper and fettling the odd bike or two, my time was very much my own. Not any more. As soon as I start to Blip, other people want me to do things.

And there’s so much stuff to learn. I have the camera manual permanently open on my computer screen. I’ve now progressed beyond attaching the camera strap and the pictures of wheely bins with crosses through them (European customers only).

I allow myself 5 minutes to play with Silver Efx to see if I can make the clock look like the bad guy in a Film Noir. Because today, Time is the enemy.

I’ve learnt a lot about playing with software from watching Anniemay. She’s not afraid to take a risk or experiment just to see what happens. But it all takes time.

I don’t know how people with jobs or heavy commitments manage Blip. I take my hat of to you.

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