Lighting Up The Night
Every year we do it. Walk up to the high street, buy lightsaber look-alikes, and join the crowds for the official switching-on of Dunbar's Christmas lights.
And every year it's cold - but some years it's dreich and drizzly too.
This was one of those years. Which made the crowds a bit less throng-like than usual, but didn't really dampen the spirits too much.
Shivering in the cold, we cheer and clap a bit self-consciously at the appropriate places - and just before Santa flicks the switch to turn on the lights, we count down: ten, nine, eight, seven... will they, won't they come on right on cue? ... three, two, one - yes!
We all ooh and aah, and nobody points out that the lights are exactly the same as last year.
Wouldn't miss it for the world.
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