Sheeps n Neeps...
Very late night last night at the annual 11th Leith Scouters dinner. A good turnout this year with as many current leaders as older bufties turning out for beers, wines and tales of the good old days when beating Scouts with a stick was considered character building and jolly good sport.
The walk home along Princes Street was a fantastic spectacle of monsoon rain and steam rising from the hastily poured Tarmac as the contractors struggled and ultimately failed to have the street open at 5.30am
Up at a respectable time for the drive to Lamancha to see my folks, shop at the excellent new organic farm shop at Whitmuir then rendezvous with my wee sis who had a stall at the Eddleston local produce market, narrowly missing Lady Findhorn and his lordship who were down visiting the southern edge of their estate.
On the train to Leeds now for an early start tomorrow.
Sheeps love Neeps according to Kev the farmer.
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