Family of three.

By livingbythesea


..... and now time to stop blipping everyday.

I am still going to be here, will still blip when I have something to share but not daily. I have loved the last 4 years and enjoy looking back on my pictures but I am finding it much harder now to find things to blip on a daily basis. I don't have the time to wonder for hours along the beach in search of a blip, my life is too busy and I am having far to much fun now finally living a life rather than taking pictures of others living there's. I have done more emergency blips this last year than ever before and featured my work a lot more than I should too (although I am blessed to work with some gorgeous little people), so I am relaxing things a bit. I will still be following my friends on here and commenting when I can. Thanks to all the views and comments that I receive you guys are great.

So here's to the next 365 blips, they may take a while but I'll still get there. x

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