
This isn't Trebah, this is my garden. A panic blip.

I DID spend most of the day at Trebah with a beautifully behaved Blue class. It was a most excellent day out.

This was followed by parents evening for Lily then an hour later for Ally. Another stupendously good report for Lily - she's worked really hard and is now up in all the top groups, absorbing new information like a sponge! Ally too is being a superstar academically, especially maths AND apart from last week's hiccups his behaviour is so much better too! Once again I am very proud of my babies!

Low point of today has to be at parents evening. Ally's teacher is mid flow and Red is playing happily on my phone. She has cooed over how cute he is and I have raised an eyebrow. My little angel looks up at me and announces "Mum, I've done a poo"...

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