Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

My reward ...

... For a bad day in the office. And chairing a charitable meeting afterwards until gone 7.30.

The working day was frustrating although not without its light relief. I took some of my home made toblerone cheesecake into work which provoked two marmite-like camps to emerge and got me a high five. Two colleagues claimed to be having problems with their bras, one of them being a man. This spirit of openness prompted another colleague to say "well if we're all being frank, I'd just like to say I now like beetroot". Not quite in the same league as boobs on the loose, but interesting in a surreal kind of way.

I also discovered The Most Boring Allotments In Britain tonight, within about three hundred yards of the M25. The car park is a handy place for a drop off though...

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