
By Marlytyz

New Beginnings

Once we have decided to move house a number of psychological changes take place. First of all we start to separate from the house we are leaving. That’s not to say that we don’t continue to care for it, but it just begins to feel a little less like home and more like a familiar holiday rental.
At the same time we find ourselves making any excuse to drive by and stare at the hoped for replacement. Acting a bit like stalkers, we park behind a large tree and stare. We don’t notice its shabbiness and the fact that it has been many years since it was last painted, or the traffic trundling passed its front garden, but comment lovingly on the views and the trees shading its back garden.
Today was one of those unofficial visit days. Having wandered around the local village had tea and cake in the local cafe, we did our usual drive by and then stopped on the South Downs Way to give the dogs a bit of exercise. In 15 minutes we were back in the centre of Brighton. It is now important to focus my attention on all the necessary paperwork that accompanies a house move otherwise the dream will remain just that.

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