View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

Cough cough

I've given up and taken myself off to bed. His nibs has given me his swollen neck glands & tickly cough bug. He's doing fine, I'm wilting. I did get out for a short walk this afternoon but ended up breathless and turned back. Yuck.

I've been making myself feel a bit useful by taking part in the crowd-sourcing analysis of satellite data for the search for the missing plane (see Tomnod). I've done this sort of thing quite a few times now. This one is particularly boring going over section by section of satellite data but it does feel useful and does the primary analysis categorising what is in the square so that the professionals can focus on what is there rather than studying empty frames. I'm also helping to categorise war diaries analysing the content of the daily diary pages done by the official diarist in a troop (Operation War Diary). That is quite intense and I find I can only do shortish stretches at a time.

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