Progress continued..

Missed a blip yesterday. It was wet, it was windy, it was grey. I lit the fire and started a jigsaw. At about 9'o'clock, thought "no blip yet", but couldn't get enthusiastic about it..

So today, it's been grey, and windy, and damp, a bit like yesterday. And Saturday, and Friday.

Spent the day in the shed pointing. Finished the end wall to above joist height, and cut the three remaining joists and placed them in position. Now it's a "packing and leveling" job, fit some noggins (dwangs up here), and floorboards. Then steps. Oh, and I still have the side wall to point too (where the joists ar ein the wall..

Soon be done!!

Tanni is off to the vets tomorrow. Time for the snip. She has to be there for 9, so we'll leave at 7. Hope to pick her up around 3-4 ish, so should be back home at 6. The joys of living beyond the middle of nowhere!


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