
A slowish day....Jens set off for haridwar, thinking that it was all getting a bit crazy...I set off for coffee, getting five minutes along the ghats when I was pounced upon by a group of kids with coloured water bombs...mostly blue...and utterly splattered...my pocket water pistol, purple colour and modified litre bottle of dark blue were no match for them...
And then I realised that it was Sunday....no coffee...

Returning to Vishnu towers...a massive water fight broke out after lunch...I returned to find some of the Koreans sitting around a table looking like the tiedye carwash was in town...cleanly respectable when seen earlier it looked a mess, not one of them had escaped unharmed...they had a chart and diagrams and were talking in fevered excitement...revenge was in the air..I wandered upstairs and begun the onerous task of filling and tying bags with coloured water...forgetting, as you do, that my sink is not actually plumbed to anything...whatever gives down the plughole ends up on your feet...my feet are now mostly purple with some pink and blue...as is the sink and the floor to be fair...but enough of that....
The Koreans decided that they were utterly mad, bought a load of colourings and filled their washing buckets with a variety of dye and then indulged in a most devious plan....they had also bought boxes of sweets and candy...so while we, on the roof were harmlessly lobbing water bombs at anyone who looked clean and occasionally at each other when victims were scarce, the Koreans below us on the ground level filled their pistols, wrapped their cameras in plastic bags and begun...the plan was simple...they would lure the locals by throwing sweets down and then when they got close enough they would cast forth a delug upon them...and it worked...time after time...no one cared, it's all part of the festivities...and free candies..win win...
But we then set abut the Koreas from above leaving them as end up as their victims..

And the full madness is only tonight...tomorrow is crazy....today merely practice...

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