a modest enquirer

By lewishamdreamer

In Chinatown

I've spent very little time recently with friends. I see Chris quite often, mostly going to the cinema. I value our contact a great deal, but far too much of life recently has been work-sleep-work (rinse/repeat), and it's been hard to break out of that pattern, so it was great finally to meet up with Tim. We had a great meal in Soho after watching a French movie which turned out to be quite bizarre (and not at all SFW).

It was the strangest feeling broadening out my socialising again, starting to make more of an effort to see people who've become increasingly unfamiliar. Meeting up with most of my friends used to be a pretty regular thing, and it's weird that it's so much harder to find (and make) time to do that these days. I'd like that to change this year, not just with Tim but with everyone. The weirdness of the film didn't matter, it was about enjoying sharing our worlds with each other again.

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