
By Cr055ie

Redundant teapots.

We had planned to visit the RSPB Old Moor site near Barnsley, but our driver - him indoors - was feeling a pit under the weather.

Plans were quickly made to stay nearer to home and have lazy day. Well I have several photographs worthy of being todays blip!

We stated at Claythorpe Watermill near Alford. Spent several happy hours taking picture of the water birds. Got excellent shots of the African Crowned Crane, Mandarin ducks, chickens who look so unlike Rod Stewart they are unreal. Anyway the will be posted on my FLICKR site. Lunch in the cafe was delicious, then a quick drive to Alford Windmill, with more obvious photo opportunities.

This blip is of the unusual teapot display in the Windmill Cafe where we went for afternoon tea that made us all smile. Paige wanted to know how the lids stayed on.

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