The last sunset and shadows!

This was another beautiful warm day heere! It was the last beautiful light for today and lovely shadows.
It was a good summer weekend for us.
I wanted to take some pictures of my flamenco show on Friday but again I took the camera with me without the memory card! I couldn't believe it. I had a nice shot and started shooting but nothing happened so I looked inside and there was no card inserted.
I enjoyed the concert and the flamenco dance but I would have liked to have taken some pictures and now I haven't. My head is not working well sometimes.
My husband was very happy about that because I made him nervous when I carried my camera to places like that. Maybe he is right but it is how I am. I need my camera with me all the time ha ha! Maybe he is jealous haha!
Thanks a lot for the nice comments and stars from yesterday's moon blip. Sorry I didn't comment a lot this weekend I was busy but I will catch you.
Hope all of you had a nice weekend and smile .

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