
By TynvdB

Solitary Wave

“Solitary Wave whose gradual Sea is Me,” And this Waves energy empowers Me, I would add. If we acknowledge that the energetic powers hidden in and beyond the depths of our soul are the same as the Great Driving Natural forces of that all embracing ever streaming, roaring and laughing sea. This meditation is not about loneliness or separateness versus being part of the kosmos, unifying integrity and togetherness. In meditating we have left the sphere of conceptual thinking. We are falling down and out the realm of logic, just like the wave tumbles back into its sea.

For those who have read Rilke’s sonnet in German (“Einzige Welle, deren/ allmähliches Meer Ich bin;”) my translation into “is Me” may have seemed inaccurate. But the Ego-less form of “is Me” instead of “I am” was chosen not so much for its Rhythmic smoothness - and the rhyming - as well for its sounding more in accordance with that sphere where the Ego-consciousness no longer dominates. And where the energies of our natural creative power are no longer blocked in their free flowing and streaming.

Of course, what you read here is only a tiny little fragment of a life-experience in practical searching to reconnect with the deepest source of energy (chi) you may be interconnected with. For now I will not continue meditating on this. Just to tell you, how on this fresh, sunny sunday morning I stayed again in awe, deep breathing at the amazing, highly active low tide surf. Engaged in the constantly changing drama of the rolling and tumbling, splashing of the wild white crested waves.

Gulls were everywhere: floating and rollercoasting on the tumblers, flying, diving, standing in the foam. This unbelievable spectacle filled my soul with silent wonder. And I understood why I would dedicate this photo to the great Realist Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), whose wave paintings are inimitable. When you try to look through his eyes, maybe you feel that “mouthing power” which might swallow you into the origins of Me, the Unfathomable Seaworld.

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