Fruit Bowl

Out to Costco this morning to have some pictures printed and came out with 3 torches and a damned great load of coffee (along with the prints).

We then went to see my sister and brother-in-law and get some details of her impending birthday party.
It was good to catch up - especially since my nephew and his wife were there having lunch.

On the way home we stopped off to see SWMBOs younger sister before she and her family go gadding of to Hawaii on holiday.
She wasn't in be her husband and younger son were so we had a natter with them.

Apparently squirrel had her first night in a real bed (her cot is now packed away for going to her 'to be' cousin). I am told she spent all night in it and only fell out once. She also had a long afternoon nap and again stayed in bed without getting up to wreck the place.
Good for her.

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