When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Saturday Funday

I stayed at Riot's on Friday night to allow for the immediate commencement of Saturday Funday upon waking. Optimistic I grant you.In reality, there was a half hour of defaming each other as a variety of baked goods, before the brains became capable of understanding a concept as complicated as fun.

On route to our first destination we crossed paths with the protest pictured above. Triggered I believe by the presence of Tories in town. Boo, hiss, down with that sort of thing etc...

City Cafe was the first stop for suitable brunchery to sustain us on our funquest. Epic quantites of maple syrup, for me poured over pancakes, Riot opting for french toast. Plus Joe. I love that the menu lists their crappy refill coffee as Joe. Even if it means when you ask for a cup of Joe, the waiting staff get confused and think you asked for a Cappuccino...

There then followed a triple header of gallery/arty shennanigans. The Edinburgh Museum to see the Old Edinburgh from Above exhibition (mad, particularly seeing the one of the top of Dalkieth Road pre-commie pool), then a revisit to the Taylor Wessing which Riot hadn't seen yet, before finishing at the Printmakers.

Seeing it was within a short hop, I dragged Riot down to Calumet so I could get some more 120 film. Then bussed it back towards ToHo. Leaving time for a quick cup of tea before we needed to go meet Jazz.

Evening entertainment was The Grand Budapest Hotel. There seems to be bit of a backlash against Wes these days, but I thought it was a really enjoyable.

Night cap in the Hanging Bat. If you get a chance to try Six Degrees North's Auld Toon , sieze it with both hands!

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