Lyons Share

Day 439 - much needed lie in at big dudes with a gluttonous pancake feast to give us energy to tackle Terry's Fabrics and a long overdue bike ride.

Fabric shop was well worth the trip as have sourced the exact upholstery material for the van seats. Unfortunately, the ultimate leopard print stuff isn't quite hard wearing enough for the seats, shame as would have looked super cool. However, the compromise is still retro enough plus the ultimate leopard print will be used for the curtains and cushions instead so happy days! (Trust me this will work)

By the time we got to Manifold Valley for a very pedestrian ride out the sun had gone in and was blooming freezing. We very nearly went straight back home but didn't and were rewarding with steaming mugs of coffee/ tea and a Mars Bar Rice Krispie cake at the tea shop at the half way point.

All that was left was to inhale a roast lamb dinner and a bottle of red - which didn't touch the sides!

033 #100happydays

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