
By dunkyc


Some days it's hard to be a blipper.

No matter how hard you try inspiration fails to strike and you find yourself left with neither photo nor story to prompt that day's entry.

On other days, you do actually leave the house or you find that you're not working AND you actually have your camera nearby.

Today was one of those lovely days when I actually had a choice of blips...I almost went for this, but deemed it a rehash of a previous blip.

Then I considered this one as m'boy and The Carmenator had been out on a lovely walk and m'boy had said something which sounded suspiciously like "'orse".

It ultimately fell between the one I've actually used today and this one taken earlier in the evening. To me, the sky looked like an oil painting.

All in all a grand day. Reasonably happy with my photos and had some quality time with the family!

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