twinned with trumpton


Day is Done

Broadly.... I think one of the most obvious and to be expected differences in the last year is the up and down emotional states. Friday was a topsy turvy reflective doubting insecure unsure day; today was much higher stronger surer.

Usual boys weekend breakfast dress turmoil; then we arranged to go and do soft play with G; we jumped a 16 outside the door and trailed throught Leith and off at Elm Row; quick Cigs hunt (half a dozen on a hundred yard stretch) and then we wandered up Leith Street, picked up her bike which she'd abandoned with the chain off before the skinned knees / lost child debacle. So we pushed it up the Bridges, up the High St, and round' alternating the children sitting on the back rack and walking. A fun wander, just out, walking, talking, looking.

At G's, we went out to Sainsburys - all three like a feral pack of wolves, charging up the street, their own hierarchical rules kicking in as they went. The inherent teasing, taunting, helping, loving, caring, hating already straight up to 10.

We managed to source lunch, cat milk and balloons for school project papier mache world and still found time to find a massive Cigs tag in pale blue on West Port.

Then straight back out to Commonwealth Pool - they biked, we bussed and an hour of them tearing it up and burning off enthusiasm and excess energy, us planning and plotting. The usual colleague encounter which again adds weight to the illusion but not.....

Then back, spotting John Muir Way signs and daffodils at the Meadows; the secret passage by the tennis courts, all the familiar familial rituals there.

And in, I cooked roast chicken, they watched TV and did the papier mache mess; a few flash points but safely negotiated - just.

After dinner they all sat and watched Cars, and a brief moment when the day is done to sit and watch the sunset with a glass of Soave before huckling them off onto a 47 and home for bath / bed.

A life affirming day where all the individual dynamics worked so well. Happier day. Still a bit bemused by Friday's MIL; Sunday will probably provide time to amply reflect on it. Expect introversion to return....

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