
By tookie

Connecting with Connections

Big R and I drove up to Bellingham Wa. just an hour and a half north of us here in Bellevue, Wa. We met blipper Connections at the Saturday Market, walked aournd and did some blipping then went back to her lovely home right outside the city limits of Bellingham. There we met her hubby blipper Philipo and had a delightful lunch together in their beautiful home. We thoroughly enjoyed them both...shared many fun stories and laughs.

Connections and I discovered on blip that we actually had gone to the same high school back in Ohio in the late sixties. We were two years apart and never knew each other then, but were in band together there too. Small world this blip! In the larger image we are both holding the 1965 high school year book from our Alma Mater:) We began to follow each other's blip sites more...and now we finally, after a year of doing that, connected in Bellingham in person.

I'm so happy we finally met in person too as we all had such a good time , delicious food, and to me, it felt like being reunited with old pals. Their home is a lovely collection of family history and culture. We saw their "workstations" where the blips are produced and also Phil's wood shop. Thank you Connections and Philco for being such gracious hosts and providing us both with a most delightful Saturday!!! Go here to see images from the Bellingham Saturday market.

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