The Words We Try Out
We are enjoying a visit from Jamie and Rachelle and the three grandkids, so you might see a lot of photos of them this week!
This is Zoe Isabella, who is such a cutie! She is starting to experiment with words and sounds. She makes a fairly good attempt at calling me "grandma" or maybe it is just my wishful thinking!
The poem today was called "Speaking in Tongues" and likens it to the writing of poetry.
To the cynic of speaking in tongues he says,
"I would ask him if he sees no meaning here
and if he never had the urge to grunt
an entirely new sound. The poem, always,
would like to do this, always wants to break
from its lines and let a strange language rise up.
...the poem will not care that some walk past,
afraid of the words we try out on our tongues
hoping this finally is the language of God,
that he might hear it and respond."
- Kei Miller
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