wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Storage space for rent

The sign out front said that. There was a no parking sign tucked into the right underneath a fallen room. I had a hard time deciding on my blip.
We sang for a telethon today. It is for disabled adults. I can't get the word developmentally to spell correctly. iPad 1 susan 0.
I am rarely nervous to perform. Today I was nervous. It could be because I don't know who is watching. With an audience in front of you, you can kind of check it out. After I was absolutely exhausted. The metrocast (cable people will send us a film.)
Yay. I wore my red dress and it was all buttoned correctly. 2 years ago my sweater was buttoned incorrectly all through a performance. Oh yeah I AM the fashion guru people.
I figure there were 3 cameras on us and the camera adds 10 lbs. yup good answer.We are so lucky to sing together. We really really have a good time.

Ingrid and I hit the Walmart after the telethon because after having breakfast at IHOP, there is nothing like seeing capitalism at its best. I stood there completely over whelmed by the cacophony of color and sound. No wonder why other countries hate us. Screaming children seemed de regueur. One woman was buying 6 cans of cheese wiz. Google it. Who the hell needs 6 cans of this. These and twinkies will never decompose. If you can't find it in your country. Just put plastic on a cracker and eat it.

Anyway Ingrid and I were almost killed twice by really really stupid drivers. On the way home we had someone texting and driving in front of us. It was subtle she only crossed the white line to the right every 100 feet or so. (America we drive on the right)
We passed her. In a parking lot someone backed up into our space in front of us. Ingrid looked as me and said like moths to a flame. We are whack job magnets.
We are off until Thursday. I can't wait for another gig.! It gets into your blood.
There is such a thing as ear worms. These are songs that get into your head and never leave. Here is one I used as my alarm this morning allow me to share my joy.
I try to think about .........
G'day people!!!!

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