
By HelenJG

A nice surprise....

So many things I could have Blipped today, but it just had to be a shot of this wheel centre. An odd choice you many think, so I shall explain. Earlier in my career I was responsible for managing their design and sign off so had a small moment of excitement to see them on a car :) I guess I need to get out more. (Looking at it on screen I now see I should have polished it before taking a photo to get rid of the water marks, but that may have caused some rather raised eyebrows)

Matt's thinking of changing his car so we went test driving in the 2.2L and 3.0L Jaguar XFs. Only a short trip round the block to be able to compare the two. I think many numbers will be crunched in Matt's spreadsheet tonight!

In other exciting news the nest box I put up yesterday is attracting a great deal of interest from a pair of great tits, it would be really exciting if they choose to make it their home. I will try and take photos tomorrow.

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