through liisa's eyes...

By liisa

neighbors in westwood village

Normally, I only hang out with health practitioners and biologists. (For instance, see other, better images I created today, of an eye surgery, at However, when I walk home from school/work through the Westwood Village...I meet my neighbors for the evening. On movie premier nights, like tonight, my "neighbors" include: a giant Transformer, spotlights, movie stars, movie buffs, paparazzi, news crews, body guards, Bentley's, Benzs, lookielooks, and annoyed residents of Westwood Village who cannot take their normal route home. It truly is a horse and pony show, like no other.

The best part was when I overhead one of the security guards radioing whomever, to say, "Hey, how are we supposed to know who to allow to cross to the theatre, when we don't even know what the tickets look like?!"

The worst part was when I overheard this young, fashionably dressed woman say to her date, "Look at that MONSTROSITY sitting at that table!" about a middle aged, mildly overweight woman eating dinner alone.

But that's LA for you.

Please note the hospital buildings in the background, looming over the premier.

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