What a day...

Started top left - going to Mike's Mum's house to get a few pieces of furniture.

Top right - flowers we got from Story's wishing us well in our new house.

Bottom left - our new house keys (we officially got them today).

Next left - view from the guest room window.

Next right - my new fantastic lip balm, the best I have ever used & I have tried a lot of lip balm.

Bottom right - the envelope that the "next right" came in - THANK YOU DEB'S!! for these lovely house-warming gifts, that is so nice of you!

Its been a brilliant day.

Sorry for not commenting much these days, I will get back into it on Tuesday I hope. Thank you so much for the well wish's yesterday. Nana's black eye has now decided to be 2 black eyes, bless her she is fine thought - starting to laugh about it, what a comic she is.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Shona :0)x

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