My 70th birthday
In my mind I haven't changed, but then
I look in the mirror
And wonder who that old lady is….
Where did the wrinkles and grey hair come from?
I can't help but look back on my life….
In my first decade my little brother was born and I was not pleased.
Now he is my confidante and friend
In my second decade I met and married my dearest OilMan
We have been together for 50 years.
We can hear each other thinking and finish each others' sentences.
Words are not always necessary.
In my third decade our children were born...
Dana, Matt and Tim
They tried my soul and swelled my pride.
We bought our house on Magnolia street and settled down.
In my forth decade we lived in Edinburgh for a time.
We traveled the world…Europe, China, Japan, India….
We had experiences I will never forget.
My fifth decade brought me grandchildren
Wilson, Peter, Julia, Claire, Maya and Owen
The jewels in my matriarch's crown.
We hiked through the mountains of the West,
camping by wilderness lakes.
We scrambled through the Dolomites and the Canadian Rockies
Sleeping in the lap of luxury.
The end of my seventh decade finds me in a new home in a new town.
Today I have had calls, visits, texts and cards from friends old and new.
I look in the mirror and I see an old lady
with a grateful heart….

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