Fish Soup

That last two days have been hard at it at my desk in Barcelona developing a sponsorship intervention plan for a massive company expansion in Brazil. The bit I always enjoy most is speech writing for the leader; this one ended with a ringing call to action which if not quite in the Henry V league, at least (and authentically) highlighted the satisfaction of creating something that Brazil has never seen before and that will deeply touch the lives of over a million people. Perhaps if my words, when delivered, can inspire people to that kind of action then my efforts this afternoon in our wee front room have not been in vain! And to top it all we found we could get a very special deal in Sitges for an extra night, so we are here already, eagerly awaiting our first blip meet tomorrow with...drum roll...that most extraordinarily talented and productive writing and blipping duo of PeterMay and Janicehalley!

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