Friday Night Light

After a very late night, I (Annie) was back on support at 6am this morning. After nearly 24 hours of the problem, we've finally cracked it. I stayed on to work in Bristol for the rest of the day finally leaving around 4.30pm, nearly 24 hours later than scheduled. Instead of the "dress down" day at work, I had a "dress in the same clothes as yesterday" day! Nice to be home now.

For me (Chris) an unusual Friday working in London when I usually work locally at this end of the week. It was however a really lovely day, especially when I popped out at lunchtime and the Southbank was crawling with people, visions of days to come perhaps.

I walked down the Southbank after work as the sun began setting reaching Westminster Bridge as the light took on an interesting quality. Although hazy, this shot kind of captured it, it was all gone in a very short period of time.

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