It's not so grim up North

By Richy


It hasn't been consecutive, but for me it was never about that. Joining blipfoto was about improving my photography. I still feel frustrated that I can't get out as much as I'd like and also as you can see from this image my working conditions do not benefit a camera!
I've been umming and arring about stopping blip now I have reached the sacred number but I'm just going to take a break for a few weeks. The main reason being my camera equipment, I've scratched lenses 'and' got dust in them and probably not done my camera any good either....swapping lenses in the van etc...
I would like to thank my agent, my persevering wife and children..... but thanks to all of you...
I'll keep up and drop in and out for a few weeks while I assess everything and focus on our big plan....take care.

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