A very Berry Breakfast

Hi Tom

I've been really busy today. I've been getting your room ready...not for you!

We have a visitor tomorrow night. Carley, dads running partner for the half marathon is coming to stay. She has a few problems at home and has asked if she can stay here the night before the run. We are in turmoil with all the building going on, but it's fine. So your room smells nice and has been thoroughly cleaned but I'll probably need to do it again in the morning. The dust is flying everywhere.

The builders are doing well as we have tiles going on the walls. I don't think it will take too long to finish....but they are always famous last words!

I thought I'd take a blip of my berries as they looked so delicious. Yes I know they are frozen but they are cheaper to buy that way and still contain all the goodness I need. This is my favourite breakfast, berries, Total Greek yogurt and chia seeds. Sets me up nicely for the day. I could eat this everyday and not get bored with it.

The dogs have taken themselves off for a walk. I only went out to sort the washing and they have done the disappearing act. I hope they come home soon as I'm due to go to work and I really can't be late.

Hope you have sorted out something to do tomorrow :) x

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