The Turkish Treatment

A wonderful afternoon and evening spent with Art colleagues in Sultanahmet (here). Those of us with no classes to teach took our visitor, Jerry, who has been here all week helping us develop our Art programme, to do the 'tourist' bit :) After seeing Hagia Sophia ( here ) we visited the famous Grand Bazaar here where we spent a long time in our favourite carpet shop drinking tea while Jerry bought a carpet and Kilim (mine). I haven't been to Sultan Ahmet for a very long time and on this dry and sometimes brightly lit sunny day, we really had fun for a few hours of carefree tourist trails.

The day closed with a great meal in the Indian Restaurant recommended by Erin, (stuck at school teaching!!!) where up fully five flights of stairs we sat amongst the stars, or so it felt, to eat a delicious meal saturated in the night landscape that is Sultanahmet, Istanbul.

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