UK, India, USA & Germany

By MichaelChiles

You have been warned !

Our trusty doormat from India, nicely positioned at the front door..

One day I will tell you the full story of the Sky/ Broadband men in New Delhi..

In summary after waiting weeks and weeks and more than a dozen failed appointments to connect Sky and Broadband / telephone two men arrived... Only to spend more than 4 hours doing the square root of zip diddly squat...

The Bride ( Michelle) took matters in to her own hands and locked them in, in a hostage stand off type situation ( without weapons ) only a pointless drill with no plug and no bit !

After many calls to and from with all concerned it was agreed to free 'one' of the hostages...

Michelle made tea and sandwiches for the other and made the very wise choice of keeping the toolbox ( polythene bag with rattley bits in it ) too...

Worth it's weight in gold to a Delhi telephone 'engineer'...

Needless to say the job was completed that night and the doormat is a fine reminder that my lovely wife is no doormat !

Take care out there...

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