Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Loch Ard Gorge

This was the day! This was the day we would start out on the Great Ocean Road, we just had to drive east for a while. We set out from Mt Gambier after staying in the most fantastic accommodation overnight. The Clarendon Chalets were about 6km from town and set in a beautiful rural setting. It was like coming home.

There have been so many images of the 12 Apostles, I thought I would Blip a spectacular site that we just hadn't expected to see. The Blip is of the Loch Ard Gorge, another wonderful work of mother nature. You can see how high up we were if you look for the tiny figure at the bottom right hand corner. We loved this part of the coastline but secretly we were very excited about heading further east to Cape Otway. Tonight we would be sleeping with the koalas!! Not literally but within walking distance of seeing them in their natural habitat. So much better than viewing an animal in a zoo!

We weren't disappointed, as we drove into Bimbi Park, there they were. I decided I would wait until tomorrow to Blip a Koala as I was really keen to publish the Gorge today.

Another wonderful highlight of the day was totally unexpected and came out of left field. We saw a sign to Picanninnie Ponds. I urge you to view this link as it will give you a fascinating incite into this magnificent area.

We were beside ourselves, the bird life was wonderful and it was a question of what to shoot next. The freshwater ponds are only a very short distance from the ocean, so imagine our surprise when we walked through the heathland for about 100 metres, turned the corner and there was one of the ponds. I won't go into detail now, but the website will give an excellent explanation of the area. Please don't drive past if you're ever driving from Adelaide to Melbourne via Mt Gambier.

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