Black Vulture

This big bird sat on the entrance sign to a small zoo where there was crocodiles, alligators and other local animals in Sawgrass airboat place in Everglades National Park. I thought it's a tame bird and it is trained to sit there for tourists. Later I realized that there are nearby more same birds around the big rubbish bin. These vultures where very tame, like crows at home.

These Black Vultures look very similar to the Turkish Vultures with red head that are gliding all day in the Miami town above the high buildings.

The Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus, musta kondori) also known as the American Black Vulture.

We made also a quick airboat ride in the wetland of Everglades. On the noisy tour we saw one small Alligator and one Osprey and chased many birds in flight. This was a quicken tour in to the wilderness like a restless video :-).

Sorry RasperryJefy, my program for today went otherwise :-).

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