Denzil's occasional Blips

By denzilblount

British classics (46 of 84)

Paddington Bear and tea are surely British classics. Not that this has any relevance to today. I just spotted the teapot as a likely Blip subject and used the background that I put together for my Blip on Tuesday. British classics only arose when I was thinking of a title choice. I suppose Paddington is quite London-centric, but everybody likes tea.

The Paddington movie is out this year. I would actually quite like to see that. Because the kids want to see it, of course!

With my camera on the tripod, I took a number of shots from 1/8 second to 3 second exposures. I ended up going for one pretty much in the middle of the range, with an exposure of 1 second.

I noticed that the longer the exposure, the more apparent Paddington became...up to a point.

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