Heater's On
It was getting towards lunchtime and the 'fantastic weather' as predicted hadn't materialised so when I spotted a lone very large but beautifully marked bumble bee on the floor of the supermarket car park, 3 things crossed my mind..
It was dead, if not dead then it would SURELY get run over AND
I have to confess that my motives here weren't wholly altruistic ..it would make a great blip!
Furtively checking that no-one was looking, I gave it a nudge. It was alive but not looking good so I gently pushed it onto a leaf and put it on this hellebore which was in a bag in the back of my car.
It was only 10 minutes to home but the race traffic was heavy and the first indication that something was amiss was Tilly's ears which were on the alert with her head moving from side to side listening.
Right ok ... you are ahead of me now...
The car heaters were on and the poor thing had only needed a bit of warmth! It had started buzzing furiously, tottered out of the confines of the plant and bag then randomly bobbled along exploring. Circuiting the car by the time we arrived home I would add! :)))) Good on the bee! As I opened the car door it flew around in circles for a bit then headed off. Well at least it didn't get run over! Sorry about the blip tho'!
The 'boiler man' came today and all is working ...result!
The 'gate man' is coming in the morning...maybe result!
The leaking tap is still ongoing . Is is valves or is it washers? Who knows...
So we have a lenten rose, great for winter colour and ..... a ladybird....don't ask!
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